1 liter non-toxic bottle plastic for WPS1

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  • USD: $ 9.32

1 liter non-toxic bottle with a scale on the side. Suitable for WPS1 (chlorine dioxide). This bottle is made of plastic that does not emit toxic substances

Product Description

1 liter non-toxic bottle

1 liter non-toxic bottle with a scale on the side. Suitable for WPS1 (chlorine dioxide). This bottle is made of plastic that does not emit toxic substances. A Pet bottle is made of recycled plastic and can contain substances from the products that were in the bottle. Maybe someone has stored petrol in the bottle so they can remain and influence the bottle when a new one is made. This bottle is especially good for the mixture made between Sodium Chlorite 22.4% and Hydrochloric acid 4% which creates chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is excellent for getting rid of pathogens such as worms, parasites, viruses, bacteria and mold. But can release toxic substances in a pet bottle or any other non-toxic bottle.

1 liter non-toxic bottle why?

I make my mixture every morning with Sodium chlorite 22.4% and Hydrochloric acid 4% which creates chlorine dioxide and then I have the mixture in the bottle for the purposes I need it for during the day. The mixture stays potent about 24 hours and then you can make a new one for the next day. I also use Bentonite and DMSO which I add to the mixture but it must be done when the product is taken. Otherwise, the mixture loses its strength.

1 liter non-toxic bottle how to do?

I use daily the mixture of Sodium Chlorite 22.4, Hydrochloric acid 4%, Bentonite and DMSO. Drink, take nasal irrigation and enema with (never take DMSO in enema). I have been severely ill with ME, allergies, anxiety, depression and MS similar symptoms. No one in school medicine or alternative medicine knew what was wrong with me and could therefore not help me. I discovered that I was heavy metal poisoned from Vaccinations and Amalgam. Furthermore, I was full of pathogens and infections from Lyme, Babesia, Epstein Barr and Candida etc, With all this in the body I got both physical and mental symptoms that were worse than I knew was possible.

1 liter non-toxic bottle with other products

Through the years, I learned to feel with my intuition what was right or wrong for me and it saved my life. I used a number of products that released the body from heavy metals, pathogens and infections and I could recover again. For the first time in 30 years. I take Chlorella Sorokiniana and Cilantro leaf powder for the heavy metals. For the pathogens such as worms, parasites, viruses, bacteria and mold, I take the mixture with chlorine dioxide etc. Take megadoses with vitamin C and Himalayan salt together to get rid of infections deep in teeth, tooth bone, jaw, skeleton and other body.

Also see the homepage for the Soulbalancemethod

The Soulbalancemethod in the Swedish version Helmetoden

Additional Information

Weight 110 g


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